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A Gift for You

Super Simple Self-Care Strategies

Mark off an hour of “white space” on your calendar - do nothing productive!

Breathe! (Use apps like Calm or Breathwork)

Stay grounded by feeling the weight of your body on the chair or floor

Reframe negative thoughts: Example "I can’t do this” becomes “I can do the next right thing”

Post something inspirational in your car, by your sink, at your desk

Wear something that makes you feel good

Pour something warm (or cold) to drink and sit quietly until it’s done

Play worship music

Call an old friend, laugh about old times

Hug someone (and linger a little longer!)

Meditate on scripture, memorize a verse or passage

Plant a butterfly garden

Watch the sunset

Eat a piece of fresh fruit

Burn a lovely candle

Keep a journal

Do your hair

Ask for what you need

Walk barefoot in the grass

Jump in a pile of leaves

Make a snow angel

Do a craft you love but haven’t done in a while

Learn a new craft

Put on hand lotion

Dab on some perfume

Create a spot just for you (corner of a room, desk area, kitchen windowsill, etc)

Write a poem to express your feelings

Turn off all screens an hour before bed

Recall good memories with your loved one 

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily

Practice gratitude - write down 3-5 things every day, morning and night

Do something playful (hopscotch, jump rope, swing, skip, somersault)

Plan a dream vacation in your mind, or explore it online

Leave the past in the past

Stretch your muscles

Watch the sunrise

Call a friend to vent

Put on makeup

Bird watch

Sit in a sunny window and soak up the rays

Flip through a photo album or happy pics on your phone

Start a topical bible reading plan on YouVersion Bible App

Stop feeling guilty for things you’ve already confessed

Listen to an uplifting podcast

Roll a tennis ball under your feet

Release your concerns to God

Walk around the block

Ask a safe friend to pray for you

Doodle or watercolor paint (I love on Instagram)

Weed the garden

Snuggle with your pet

Write a song of lament

Plant something

Declutter a drawer or shelf

Sing a song of thanks and praise to Jesus

Forgive someone

Forgive yourself

Do a 10 minute free yoga workout on YouTube

Recognize and acknowledge all you’ve handled, been through, and overcome

Find a support group to join

Send an encouraging text or note to someone

Try Prayer Journaling (

Recall a beautiful memory in all five senses

Fast from your cell phone for a period of time

Fill in a coloring book with crayons (or colored pencils or markers)

Write your concerns on notecards and leave them in your God Box

Close your eyes and intentionally listen for five distinct sounds

Try the James Method of bible study. Visit

Say no. (”No” is a complete sentence!)

Listen to your favorite comedian 

Stop and thank the Lord for your blessings

Halt a bad habit. Replace it with a good habit

Make a Vision Board privately on Pinterest

Set and hold a healthy boundary

Go for a long bike ride

Plant an herb garden

Wear sunscreen

Turn off the news

Pray for yourself

Go to church



Choose one or two to focus on this week. Refer to this list often and add things that would fill you up or help ease your suffering. Any change, no matter how small, is a big win!



“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14


Mary Topolinski
Calm, Connected Communication Group Coaching Course
Certified Mental Health Coach
Professional Life Coach
Parent Mentor-Coach
Trauma-Informed Coach

Parent Support Group Facilitator
Women's Retreat Speaker
Women's Retreat Small Group Facilitator
Social Behavior Specialist
Board Advisor and Coordinator Just Be Held Ministries 

© 2025 by Mary Topolinski

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